Blog50 Free Things to Do


(Blog post inspired by Dianne Riley Moore)

Travelling on a budget is not a problem when visiting Stronsay. We’ve compiled a list of 50 free things you can do once you’re here. We’ll let you discover another 50 for yourself . . .
  1. Cycle up to St. John’s Hill and take in the magnificent view aided by the interpretation marker.
  2. Search for the geocaches hidden all over the island.
  3. Go wild swimming in Mill Bay.
  4. Play in the play park.
  5. Walk from the village to St. Catherine’s Bay.
  6. Go for a run just as the sun is rising.
  7. Look for canoe shells on the Bu Sands in Rothiesholm.
  8. Photograph the Aurora.

  9. Have a rainy-day picnic in the community greenhouse.
  10. Cycle around the Queen’s Drive.
  11. Search for sea glass on the sands at Mill Bay.
  12. Do tai chi or yoga on the beach.
  13. Go camping.
  14. Take a sunset stroll.
  15. Sit with your back against a warm rock and watch the clouds.
  16. Catch up on your emails at the Fish Mart Cafe.
  17. Build a sand castle.
  18. Make a list of all the different birds you see.
  19. Sit in the seal hide and watch the seals playing in the water.
  20. Find a sheltered spot and draw, sketch, paint a picture of what you see.
  21. Visit the Vat of Kirbister.
  22. Build a bonfire on the beach and roast marshmallows.
  23. Photograph wildflowers.
  24. Play football at the playpark in the village.
  25. Create a nature journal.
  26. Sit at the Ayre of the Myers and count the seals sunbathing.
  27.  See how many cygnets are trailing behind the swans on the Matpow Loch.
  28. Visit the Heritage Centre.
  29. Look for grottie-buckies on the beach.
  30. See how many different colours and patterns of periwinkles you can find.
  31. Try to find a whole canoe shell.
  32. Visit the ruins of the broch on Lamb Head.
  33. Walk out to Burgh Head in the late afternoon to look for puffins.
  34. Sit in a sheltered spot, close your eyes, and listen. What all can you hear?

    Collection of periwinkle shells from St. Catherine's beach, Stronsay

  35. Go snorkelling in the Bay of Franks.
  36. Sit in the Fish Mart and read a book.
  37. Take a picnic to Straenie Water and look for Cubbie Roo’s Laid.
  38. Search for the Well of Kildinguie.
  39. Look for fossils.
  40. Try to read a newspaper outside on the Longest Day.
  41. Meditate or Pray.
  42. Wrap up warm and try to name the constellations on a starry night.
  43. Watch the lambs frolic in the fields.
  44. Lie down on a sun-warmed rock and take a nap.
  45. Sit on the mermaid’s chair — if you dare
  46. Fly a kite on the beach.
  47. Explore some rock pools.
  48. Visit Moncur Memorial Church.
  49. Play catch with your dog on the beach.
  50. Do absolutely nothing — doesn’t that sound wonderful?
Child's feet in the sand

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